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to use Bizzkit
Can you remember all the grammar rules you learned in eighth grade? No? Neither can we. That's why we are now introducing better user guides in Bizzkit Ecommerce Search, so you get the simplest possible user experience.
Smarter with a single click
What's the difference between a synonym and a hypernym? Not very easy to remember.
We know you are not constantly using all the features in our systems. That's why we've made sure that you are always just one click away from being helped by our user guides. You press the icon and immediately get an explanation that is clear and very simple, so you can quickly continue your work.
Always more knowledge to dive into
We’ve made sure that the user guides are not just long texts, but instead use clear visual examples that make it quick and easy to get an immediate understanding. In addition, you can always achieve a deeper understanding by clicking through to Bizzkit Docs, which gives you the full documentation for Bizzkit. The Docs site is written in simple language, making it straightforward to read and learn.
AI Assistance
You can also just ask BAIA (Bizzkit AI Assistant). It knows and understands all documentation across Bizzkit products fully, so you can always ask it for help to figure out what each button or dropdown menu is used for. Our goal is to make complex e-commerce 100% user-friendly, that's why we often launch new features that support your user experience.