A New Optimized Approach to Composable Commerce
The last major paradigm shift in e-commerce architecture was Composable Commerce or MACH architecture. It marked a departure from the large monoliths that were too cumbersome to innovate with in e-commerce solutions. Now, it seems we are on the brink of a shift away from Composable Commerce.

Totally Confusing Freedom
Composable Commerce promises e-commerce businesses that they can build their solution on all the best individual components. And it sounds great to consistently choose Best-of-Breed solutions, but reality has proven to be less rosy. Unfortunately, Composable projects often end up exceeding budgets and deadlines when a multitude of different systems need to be integrated with each other. It also often causes headaches to maintain the solution, as an update in one system suddenly causes problems elsewhere in the solution.
Gartner emphasizes the issue with Composable in their newly released Hype Cycle for Digital Commerce, where they write that Composable Commerce requires advanced management and technical skills to achieve the benefits of assembling the application experience yourself.
The Counterpart is Connected Composable
The ideals for good e-commerce have not changed. It is still the freedom and ability to innovate and scale that are the attractive values. The ideal, however, would be that some of the hassle of Composable Commerce disappeared. Fortunately, this can be achieved with the approach we call Connected Composable.

The New Ideal for E-commerce
Connected Composable is based on having a core consisting of the most important systems in your webshop. The core functions as a foundation that you can build completely freely upon, allowing you to exploit the potential as with pure composable commerce. The core is also built composable, but from systems that are tried & tested in their interplay, and where there are strategic partnerships between the different providers. This means that you have a foundation with very high stability, the systems are built to work together and take each other into account when there are updates.
Go-live Much Faster
It is no secret that IT projects often drag on. Not least composable commerce projects, because unforeseen problems always arise. Connected Commerce alleviates some of the worst pitfalls by offering solutions that are more plug n’ play – without being completely locked in like the old monoliths. You can always build further, replace, customize, and develop new, but you get off to a faster and safer start with a solid foundation.
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